259 - Informasi : Car Boot Sale @ Residensi UTMKL



Get ready for a weekend of fun at the Car Boot Sale, happening on 25 & 26 May at Residensi UTMKL!

Bring the whole family and enjoy the Children's Corner, Lucky Draw, and awesome Busker performances!

Find us at Level 5, Indoor Parking area, Residensi UTMKL, No 8, Jalan Maktab, 54000 Kuala Lumpur. 

Scan the QR code or call Ms. Rozie at 019 207 6851 for more info. Don't miss out - join the excitement with us!

#carbootsale #carbootsale2024 #carbootsalekl #klcarbootsale #carbootsalemalaysia #malaysiacarbootsale #utmhotelnresidence #thesageatsixth #residensiutmkl #utmkl #utmjb #utm 

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

Sumber - FB Residensi UTMKL

Nota Kaki : Dah lama tak joint car boot sale sapa nak joint contact la nombor di atas.

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  1. Tak pernah join cbs...mcm teringin jer

  2. mesti seronok kan dapat berjualan secara offline.. dapat bertemu mata dgn pelanggan.. ldy pernah join ekspo jualan zaman muda2 dlu...

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